e-Transfer® (preferred method):
With Interac e-Transfer®, you can now send money within Canada to directly to your local Parish. Auto Deposit has been set up so there is NO need for a security question and answer – the money will automatically be deposited your Parish’s individual bank account. Ensure the name and email of your Parish is entered correctly as Auto Deposit transactions can’t be cancelled.
From your online banking, send an Interac e-Transfer to:
St. Alphonsus & St. Jerome’s email for e-transfers:
Holy Angels email for e-transfers only:
In the Interac Message box, please provide:
Your name and complete address, so that a tax receipt can be issued (if applicable);
Your phone number and/or email address, in the event it is necessary to contact you;
Indication of where you would like the funds directed, for example: St. Alphonsus General Donation, St. Jerome General Donation, Holy Angels General Donation, Special Collections: ex: Priest Benefit Fund, Easter, Bishop’s Annual Appeal, Indigenous Reconciliation Fund.
Disclaimer: The Diocese information above does not constitute financial advice in any way whatsoever. Nothing published constitutes a recommendation to utilize Interac e-Transfer and the Diocese recommends you speak to a qualified professional before making any type of online contribution or donation. By sending the Diocese and or its Parishes an e-Transfer you understand and agree that use of Interac e-Transfers is at your sole risk.
CanadaHelps.org (second-most preferred method):
Simply click on one of the following buttons.
Pre-authorized Offering Plan
Parishioners find this method convenient, especially if they travel throughout the year, and enrollment is easy. Simply download the appropriate pre-authorized donation form.
Pre-authorized Offering Plan – Holy Angels, Brighton
Pre-authorized Offering Plan – St. Alphonsus Ligouri, Wooler
Pre-authorized Offering Plan – St. Jerome, Warkworth
Print the two pages, fill in the blanks, and sign the form. Then mail your completed form, along with a void cheque, to the Rectory Office at P.O. Box 10,Wooler, Ont., K0K 3M0 or drop it off in the mail box on the front verandah of the Rectory Office in Wooler. Fr. Reynolds will collect envelopes from the Rectory mailbox every day.
Please make your cheque payable to the Church you attend and write “offertory” on the memo line along with your envelope number. Then mail to the Rectory Office at P.O. Box 10,Wooler, Ont., K0K 3M0 or you may drop it off in the mail box on the front verandah of the Rectory Office in Wooler.
If you use the offertory envelopes you will receive a charitable donations receipt for income tax purposes. Please request your box of offertory envelopes from your parish priest at Sunday Mass, or contact us.
Planned Giving:
Other ways to contribute to the mission of your parish include leaving a legacy in your will, making a special one-time donation, and by donating securities (stock or bonds). Please speak to your parish priest at the Sunday Mass, or contact us to have all your questions about giving answered.